Can’t always get what you want?

Texting my friend: Can I access these records?

JR: You should be able to through Open Records

Me: I don’t have time for Open Records. I want what I want and I want it now.

JR: You know what you want!

Me: link to Rolling Stones You Can’t Always Get What You Want

JR: I have found this to be true in life

Me: Not knowing what I really want, what I really have, and I really need has lead me to many growing pains.

JR: Ain’t that the truth! Life can be complicated

I established this practice to get more of what I want and need. Several years ago, through prayer and meditation I became aware of my four basic needs: Love, Connection, Serenity, and Grace. This gives me a jumping off place when facing a new endeavor or relationship. I ask myself: Does this provide me with one or more of my basic needs?

I found I needed more connection in my work. This work allows me to know my patients and provide meaningful feedback. If I get stuck with the same responses, I spend less time listening and more time regurgitating. I am not constrained by what an insurance company tells me I can or should do.

You matter to me.


It is already all right.

