Integral Healthcare


Evaluation is the foundation. Understanding you as an individual, and as a member of a family and community, allows us to identify issues that are critical to your happiness and health. A thorough evaluation includes completing paperwork, providing records, and then a one on one meeting. At the one on one meeting I will identify physical, emotional, and functional challenges and develop a plan to assist you in achieving your goals. An evaluation can take place in the office or virtually.

Fitness for duty evaluations are available, please contact me to discuss.


Depending on your needs follow-up appointments are made for chronic disease management, lifestyle change, medication management, or ongoing wellness.

In follow-up appointments we explore progress, and strengthen your ability to accomplish your health goals.

I recommend that you follow-up at least every three months, but we will make that decision together.

Additional Services

Additional services may include:


IV hydration and vitamin therapy


Lifestyle coaching


Addiction Recovery Management